Spartan Staff on OMS


I love OMS because it has supportive leaders that can often be seen in classrooms and in the hallways.

- Leslie Weilbacher | Special Education


Everyone, and I mean everyone in our building, has been kind to me and offered resourceful comments. And the kids! Junior high is such a wonderful & wild age. I’m having so much fun. Very thankful to be walking into work with a smile on my face each day. The “ARTventure” has only just begun!

- Laura Johnson | Art

Wendy Wade

I happen to believe that I teach with the best in the business; like-minded educators who put the child first.

- Wendy Wade | 7th Grade ELA

Colleen Williams

We are all family at OMS. We all are there for each other. My OMS family have been supporting me for many years... this year especially!!

- Colleen Williams | Instructional Aide