Building Open for Students Eating Breakfast | 7:15 AM |
Building Open For All Students | 7:35 AM |
Classes Begin/Tardy Bell | 7:45 AM |
Dismissal | 2:25 PM |

Welcome to Olympia South Elementary School! The staff and I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of your children’s educational experience.
My name is Stacey Rogers and this is my 12th year as principal at Olympia South. Before I became a principal I taught for 11 years in Bloomington. My career began as a character education teacher and a part time second grade teacher prior to spending the majority of my teaching years in 4th and 5th grade. I LOVE being in the classroom and hope to spend a lot of time in the classrooms with our students and teachers this school year.
We are are a PBIS school which stands for Positive Behavioral Intervention Systems.
At Olympia South we will focus daily on our coat of arms-Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Ready to Learn:

Students will learn what it means to be kind, safe, and ready to learn in all of the different locations here at school and we will support our students with consistent expectations each day so they can find success.
At Olympia South we feel it is extremely important to have open lines of communication between home and school. l send out a Parent Update before the start of each week to let families know what is coming up and what we have been focusing on. We like to plan events each month that keep our families involved so watch for information to come home about these events! We love seeing our students and families enjoying school events together.
Please feel free to contact us at Olympia South for any additional information. (217) 648-2302