Special Education Services Links
504 Services Links
Parent Resources
State & Federal Regulations

Student Special Services At Olympia
Student support services will be provided through a tiered system in order to help students make progress academically and social-emotionally. Student support services consist of a variety of techniques used by teachers and support staff and can be viewed through the district strategic plan. Olympia CUSD 16 believes in providing diverse opportunities, educating the whole child and providing support for the growth of all students. In order to support and empower our staff and students, Olympia will engage in responsive and trauma-informed teaching practices, cultivate the learning environment to meet the academic and social-emotional needs of all students, as well as provide proactive and strategic instructional and community engagement.
Students may receive support through MTSS, 504 plans, or Individualized Education Plans. Free Appropriate Public Education is provided to all students and is evident through the plans in place.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) classroom based learning plans are utilized pre-K through high school. Further information regarding IEPs and 504 plans can be found under the resources section.
Staff by Building
The links below will take you to our staff directory pages for each building, filtered to view only the special education staff. Here you will find titles and contact information.