**COVID Response Updates**
Many additional resources have been added to our website @ bit.ly/olycovid. Remote learning plans have been posted for all grade levels. The page can also be accessed from our mobile app!

The deadline for the National Honor Society applications has been extended to April 8th. An additional extension will be granted for teacher recommendation forms.

The #2020census is here & we need everyone to #CareAbouttheCount!
This month, every household will receive mail from the U.S. Census Bureau with instructions on how to fill out the census. Watch your mailbox & visit CareAbouttheCount.org to learn more. #CentralIllinoisCounts

AP Students:
Don't forget to check out the AP review courses that are being streamed on the AP YouTube channel. These videos are streamed live from AP teachers across the country and are available on-demand for free.

VIDEO: How do you take the census? This video helps break it down: https://youtu.be/bcE5wXH17Os #CareAbouttheCount #CentralIllinoisCounts

Every household should fill out a 2020 Census form (either online, by phone or by mail) by April 1, 2020. Watch your mailbox for directions and learn more at CareAbouttheCount.org. #CareAbouttheCount #CentralIllinoisCounts

Why #CareAbouttheCount? Filling out the census will boost our community, ensure adequate public funding and inspire a sense of civic duty. Read about regional efforts to boost our Central Illinois participation. https://www.peoriamagazines.com/pm/2020/mar/care-about-count #CentralIllinoisCounts

Do you value affordable housing? Healthcare centers? School funding? A complete count in the #2020census is critical to securing billions in funding for community programs you value most. #CareAbouttheCount! https://youtu.be/h2JMt4ZNR_Q #CentralIllinoisCounts #ILCountMeIn

Attention BACC Students:
Here is a breakdown of the places you can find your E-Learning Assignments! If you are struggling to find your assignments or need additional resources, please contact your instructor or send an email to contactbacc@district87.org

The situation we are in leaves a lot of unknowns for students as they plan for their future. This article brings some guidance to the impacts on college admissions. As always, reach out to the counseling office with any specific questions. We are in this together!

ACTIVITY UPDATE: Our annual Mr Spartan event scheduled for tonight Friday March 13th has been postponed to a date yet to be determined.

Your community is counting on you. Watch your mailbox and complete your household’s census at CareAbouttheCount.org. #CareAbouttheCount #CentralIllinoisCounts

Hey Seniors! Do you plan to pursue a degree in education? If yes, YOU should apply for the Olympia Education Association Scholarship. Check Naviance to apply!
ALL SENIORS: The counseling office recommends checking Naviance regularly for new scholarships/job opportunities!

The Country Aire in Atlanta is hosting a fundraising event for OHS After Prom. Eating there this Wednesday Mar 11 will support both! Hope to see you there!!

Win for the sophomores in the St. Joe tournament. Go Spartans!

Attention Seniors! There will be a FAFSA Workshop next Wednesday during Parent Teacher Conferences. We highly recommend all seniors and families to attend if you have not completed your FAFSA. This is a requirement for many colleges in order to be eligible for scholarships.

We had a great time taking our students down to Eastern Illinois University for a college day! #EIU

Family Tip 5: Review worst-case steps.
Walk through what to do if your kid is being bullied online. First, step away. Ignoring a bully can be very effective. If the bullying continues, take screenshots or print out evidence. Then block the person. If it gets worse, report the behavior to a trusted adult. Talk about who those people are and make sure your kid has their contact information.

Just a friendly reminder that College Family Night will be next Wednesday during Parent Teacher Conferences. All families are encouraged to attend whether your student is considering college or some type of career/trade program!

Video: bit.ly/OlyCBV3
Chatting online can feel just like talking to someone in person, but it's actually quite different. It's all because of something called the "online disinhibition effect," which makes us more likely to share/communicate differently than if in person.