Today's Activities
2 days ago, ELLA EVANS
Today's Activities
On April 1, 2025, voters in McLean County will vote on a 1% County Schools Facility Tax, also known as a one-cent tax. All school districts across McLean County have united to bring forward this request. If approved, the one-cent tax will provide Olympia CUSD 16 with: - Safety, security, and support, providing revenue for things like school resource officers and mental health providers - Facility upgrades such as roof repairs, replacing doors, and completing the Ag/STEM classroom spaces, and adding a multipurpose space to the OHMS campus - Property tax stability for homeowners- Districts can use the one-cent tax revenue to offset eligible expenses, and as a result, reduce the reliance on property taxes to cover these costs. Learn more about how this referendum can make a difference by visiting our webpage at or contact us! #april1cent
3 days ago, Olympia CUSD 16
One cent tax
All after school activities and games have been cancelled for today, Feb 5th.
3 days ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
Help your children analyze the info around them, from toy packaging to Instagram posts to news headlines, and question the purpose of the words and images they see. Teach kids how to use fact-checking tools like Snopes and
3 days ago, EdTech@Oly
Fake News Tip 1
Today's Activities
5 days ago, ELLA EVANS
Today's Activities
Thank you Counselors for all you do!
5 days ago, LAURA O'DONNELL
C appreciation
With so much media and information coming at us through the television, phones, social media, and more, it's more important than ever for kids to understand the basics of media literacy. When kids can identify different types of news and media and the methods and meanings behind them, they're on their way to being critical thinkers and smart consumers. Throughout the month, we will be sharing a set of five tips to help your children become critical thinkers of news and media. Here is a short video to get those conversations started!
5 days ago, EdTech@Oly
Spot Fake News
Today's Activities
5 days ago, ELLA EVANS
Today's Activities
Today's Activities
7 days ago, ELLA EVANS
Today's Activities
If you want to know if someone is trying to trick you with a headline, think through a few of these five questions each time you read a shocking story. Don't let them pull the wool over your eyes Spartans!
8 days ago, EdTech@Oly
Deceptive Detective
Today's Activities
9 days ago, ELLA EVANS
Today's Activities
Today's Activities
11 days ago, ELLA EVANS
Today's Activities
The OMS Speech Team was recognized for a successful season at the January Board of Education meeting. Congratulations to the team and to Coach Holt.
12 days ago, LAURA O'DONNELL
OMS Speech
Today's Activities
12 days ago, ELLA EVANS
Today's Activities
Today's Activities
14 days ago, ELLA EVANS
Today's Activities
This afternoon, all OMS sixth-grade students had the privilege of attending a virtual meeting with renowned author Jerry Craft, creator of the acclaimed graphic novel New Kid. Mr. Craft shared insights into the inspiration behind his work, emphasizing the crucial role of revision and redrafting in the creative process. He generously shared early drafts of New Kid, highlighting how initial concepts evolve into polished final products. Mr. Craft encouraged students to identify and cultivate their talents, embracing mistakes as opportunities for growth. He underscored the importance of perseverance, reminding students that dedication and consistent effort are essential for achieving one's goals. Mr. Craft concluded the session by showcasing his 2020 Newbery Medal, a testament to his exceptional storytelling. This enriching experience was organized by Mrs. Melissa Swanson, OMS 6th grade ELA teacher, whose commitment to providing unique learning opportunities is deeply appreciated.
15 days ago, Mike Jones
New Kid
Updates for activities today. All games and meets for tonight Jan. 21st are on as scheduled. Practice information for other teams will be communicated by the coaches/sponsors. There are no shuttle buses tonight.
18 days ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
Today's Activities
22 days ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN
OMS 7th & 8th grade lost tonight to Tri-Valley
22 days ago, Kim Logsdon
Today's Activities
23 days ago, MIKE CASTLEMAN