Referendum Results
Referendum Results - Thank you to our voters! On March 19th Olympia voters passed two ballot questions that will result in additional opportunities for students and will stabilize District finances. The tax swap will result in a larger percentage of our tax revenue being allocated to the Operations and Maintenance fund and the Education fund. It is important to note that this tax revenue will not be received until the summer of 2025. The Board of Education is working on developing tentative timelines for projects and construction resulting from the referendum. However, projects tied to the referendum questions and the reallocation of tax dollars, will not be started until 2025 as we are awaiting the revenue. We will continue to update the Referendum webpage with timelines as those are finalized.
Dr. O'Donnell
Referendum Notices
Referendum Overview
On March 19th, 2024 the Olympia School district will be asking voters to vote on two resolutions that look to stabilize district finances. * Exact language for both questions can be found at the bottom of this page.

Referendum Overview Presentation and Video Livestream
Additional Question 1 Information
Due to significant increases in the district’s EAV**, the district will reduce the rates in Tort**, IMRF**, and Social Security to offset the increase in the Operations and Maintenance fund. There will be no net growth to the tax rate if both questions pass. See image below for a breakdown of the adjustments to tax rates in different funds if both questions pass.
The Operation and Maintenance fund pays for the upkeep and maintenance of the school district and all of its physical spaces.

Additional Question 2 Information
The increase in the Education fund will represent a tax swap as the district has been taking out Working Cash Bonds for the last several years to cover the structural deficit that exists in that fund. Those bonds will roll off the tax rate in 2024 so if the Education fund question is approved, there will be no net increase to a resident’s tax rate for approving this measure.
The Education fund pays for salaries for Olympia staff members as well as curriculum materials for our students.

Additional General Information
The last time that the Olympia School District went to the voters for a referendum was 2007, when voters approved raising the Education tax rate from $2.40 to the current rate of $2.90. Voters approved that increase, which was the first increase in the Education tax rate since 1980. The Operations and Maintenance tax rate has never been increased from its current rate of $0.50.
Annually, the District receives a rating from the State based on multiple financial factors. Olympia has consistently been in the top two categories with our most recent recognition being the highest rating a district can receive - Financial Recognition.
The Olympia School District also ranks in the lowest 25th Percentile in the State of Illinois when it comes to administrative costs.
* The questions will appear in the following order and using the exact language as seen below
Question 1 Ballot Language
Operations and Maintenance Fund
Shall the maximum annual tax rate for operations and maintenance purposes of Olympia Community Unit School District No. 16, McLean, Tazewell, Logan, DeWitt, and Woodford Counties, Illinois, be increased and established at .75 percent upon all the taxable property of said School District at the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, instead of .50 percent, the present maximum rate otherwise applicable to the next taxes to be extended for said purpose?
Question 2 Ballot Language
Education Fund
Shall the maximum annual tax rate for educational purposes of Olympia Community Unit School District No. 16, McLean, Tazewell, Logan, DeWitt, and Woodford Counties, Illinois, be increased and established at 3.40 percent upon all the taxable property of said School District at the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, instead of 2.90 percent, the present maximum rate otherwise applicable to the next taxes to be extended for said purpose?
** Definitions for these terms are as follows:
EAV (Equalized Assessed Value) - This is the value of all of the property in the Olympia School District.
Tort - This is the fund that is used to mitigate the risk within the school district.
IMRF (Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund) - This money is used to pay for required benefit contributions by the district on behalf of staff members.